Sunday, August 28, 2011

Mosaic Sun Clock

I guess it must be difficult to live with a creative person; always taking photos, painting, knitting, blogging and planning the next project. My poor husband has been dealing with my “super active” personality for 38 years. How does he cope? He joins me in the process. He is creative and expresses himself with photography and videos. Many of you have enjoyed his creative talent documenting events.

Ever since I took a mosaic workshop with Mary Ponchio, he has decided to take on this art form. A while back I blogged about the house numbers he made for our mountain house. He has now decided to make a clock for our Florida patio. This project is much bigger and required some sketching and planning. 

It is fun to see someone creating and I can just sit back and watch. His clock has a tropical feel with a blazing sun in the center. In the fall, I plan to get together with my sisters and a couple of friends and have a mosaic day in the patio. I have a feeling he will be joining us with another project in mind.

Good job, Phil!

P.S. - See what you started, Mary? Thanks!