Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Miami Watercolor Society - September Meeting

Everyone that paints, takes pictures or creates in any way, knows the importance of composition. During our September meeting at the Miami Watercolor Society, Lynda Wellens and Terry Mulrooney shared with us some important aspects of composition. Terry is a watercolorist and photographer. She shared with us how she puts together a painting from a photograph. It was great to see how she manipulates a photograph through photoshop to arrive at the desired composition. She also changes color pictures to black and white to determine the values.

Lynda Wellens is a watercolorist and a watercolor teacher at Fairchild Tropical Botanical Garden. She brought a power point presentation on composition. We discussed line, shape and form. What made this so interesting was that she used paintings by Robert Lovett, Karen Frey, Juan Carlos Ramirez, Joan Miro and others to point out balance, contrast and other principles of design. The lecture was summarized by showing a picture of water lilies taken by Elizabet Chacon and how through photoshop she selected the best composition to paint. The painting that resulted from the photograph was shared with the group.

If that was not enough to get everyone started, someone in the group is a photoshop teacher and passed out her cards to those wishing to start learning to manipulate photos and end up with a great composition. Our members are so talented. Thank you Lynda, Terry and Elizabet!!



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