Sunday, January 23, 2011

Nature: Canvas and Inspiration

Over thirty years ago, I lived in Florida's panhandle and it is where I started painting with oils. The area provided me with the inspiration I needed: beautiful white sand dunes, topped with sea oats, beaches and skies. The local artists could not paint these seascapes fast enough for the tourists. I joined the local artists and started painting these seascapes on sand dollars. The downtown shops would place orders for a dozen at a time. The business went so well that I started shipping them to Miami and my father-in-law would sell them to the shops in Key West.

I had no idea that 30+ years later I would continue to paint these seascapes, but this time on palm fronds. A sample of this can be seen at:
El Capitan Marine & Fishing Center
1590 NW 27th Ave
Miami, FL 33125

At a time when "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" has become our "green guide", this way of painting is the way to go. Mother nature provides the canvas and the inspiration. Having been recycling even when it was not popular, I find it challenging to find ways to paint on things that would otherwise be discarded. Going to Georgia a lot these days, has provided me with another one of nature's canvasses.......gourds.

I challenge you to look for things around you that can become a thing of beauty with a little help from an artist...................................and please tell me about it!


  1. Rosie,
    The inside of bottle caps, bottle caps smashed by cars in the street, pieces of recycled wood from construction projects, scratched CDs, concrete roof tiles...more ideas for reuse, recycle, reduce!

  2. Thanks, Angeline! I knew you would have ideas. I have seen the bottle caps used as jewelry. For those of you interested in seeing Angeline's creative side, here's her website:

